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Balliol College Archives - Graham Greene, personal dossier

Contents of individual Old Member dossier for HG (Graham) Greene, 1904-1991, Balliol 1922. This material has not been listed before. 97 items, arranged in chronological order. Chiefly administrative correspondence to and from the College, including original letters by Graham Greene. 1922-2004.

GGBD 01 History scholarship examination entrance  form. ‘Balliol, Magdalen, Trinity, St John’s, Wadham and Keble Colleges: Examination for Scholarships, Demyships and Exhibitions in History, April 24-27, 1923.’ Completed by Henry Graham Greene for Balliol, offering papers in Mediaeval History, languages French and Latin, subsidiary subject English Literature.

GGBD 02 TLS from CH Greene (father of HG Greene) to The Admission Tutor, Balliol College [Cyril Bailey]. The School House, Berkhamsted. 13 June 1922. Enquiry re admission of Graham Greene to Balliol in October 1922. GG sat the recent Balliol Scholarship exam (see 1); KN Bell will speak for him. 1s.

GGBD 03 ALS from Cyril Bailey to KN Bell. Balliol College. 14 June 1922. Re considering HG Greene for admission at Balliol, Bailey requests ‘something in writing’ about him from Bell. 1s.

GGBD 04 TLS from KN Bell to Cyril Bailey. Balliol College. 14 June 1922. Reference for Graham Greene: ‘ a very clever boy, not very robust in health, and rather above himself at present but with considerable possibilities… a very pleasant fellow socially.’ 1s.

GGBD 05 ALS from Cyril Bailey to the Master of Balliol (see 6). Bailey suggests HG Greene be considered for admission, along with other candidates. 1s.

GGBD 06 Copy of TLU from [Cyril Bailey] to CH Greene. [Balliol College]. 16 June 1922. HG Greene’s application will be considered, but the 1922 intake is already full and his application was late. Result expected at the beginning of July. 1s.

GGBD  07 TLS from KN Bell to Cyril Bailey. Balliol College. 16 June 1922. Details of Graham Greene’s work and results in the recent History Scholarship exam (see 1). ‘…it was highly imaginative stuff, sometimes thin and fantastic but written with real power over words. The boy had only done History for six weeks before coming in and his efforts to disguise his ignorance, though not very convincing, were extremely ingenious.’ 1s.

GGBD  08 TLS from CH Greene to Cyril Bailey. The School House, Berkhamsted. 17 June 1922. Thanks Bailey for letter of 16 June (see 6). 1s.

GGBD 09 ALS from Graham Greene to ‘Dear Sir’ [probably Cyril Bailey]. Details of his current studies in Latin, which with the Greek Certificate would exempt him from Responsions [standardized tests on matriculation at Oxford]. 1s.

GGBD 10 Photocopy of ALS from Francis Fortescue Urquhart to [Geoffrey] Dawson at The Times. Balliol College. 8 May 1925. Reference letter for Graham Greene, who is hoping to obtain a position at The Times: ‘certainly an able fellow with a very distinct power of writing.’ [?photocopy from The Times archive ]

GGBD 11 Photocopy of Graham Greene’s application form ‘for employment on the staff of The Times’ – handwritten, signed. 19 October 1925. 1s.

GGBD 12 ALU from Graham Greene to the Master of Balliol. 14 North Side, Clapham Common SW4. ND [1937]. Accepts invitation to dinner at Balliol on Friday 25 June; would like to stay over Friday night and to be seated with George Whitmore [Balliol 1922]. 1s.

GGBD 13 Copy of TLU from [the Master, Sir David Lindsay Keir] to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 31 May 1963. Informal notice of College Meeting resolution to offer Graham Greene an Honorary Fellowship of Balliol. 1s.

GGBD 14 TLS from Graham Greene to Sir David Lindsay Keir [Master of Balliol]. C6 Albany W1. 4 June 1963. GG accepts with pleasure the College’s invitation of an Honorary Fellowship.  He regrets that he will be abroad during the 700th Anniversary celebrations.

GGBD 15 ALS from Graham Greene to Christopher [Hill]. 130 Boul Malesherbes Paris 17. Jan 11 no year.  Greene is very glad to feel part of Balliol [thanks to the Hon Fellowship?] as he did not with past Masters [AL] Smith and [Alexander Dunlop] Lindsay. Hopes to see Hill in France in the next year or so,

GGBD 16 Copy of TLU from Christopher Hill to Graham Greene. [Balliol College]  5 April 1967. Thanks for copy 13 of May We Buy Your Husband? [sic - i.e. Borrow]. 1s.

GGBD 17-18 enquiry correspondence re Graham Greene records at Balliol, June 1967. Enquirer is referred to other material listed in this dossier. CLOSED.

GGBD 19 TLS from Graham Greene to Christopher [Hill]. 130 Boul Malesherbes, Paris 17. 13 January 1969. Dictated & signed per pro. Thanks for congratulations re GG’s recent award of the Legion d’Honneur [Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur, 1969]. 1s.

GGBD 20 TLS from WG Stacey, Manager, illustrations Research, the Hamlyn Group publishers, to the President [sic] of Balliol College [i.e. JEC Hill, then Master]. Hamlyn House, Feltham. 16 February 1970. Requests photographs for illustration of the Graham Greene volume of the World’s Masterpieces Library.

GGBD 21 MS note from EV Quinn, Balliol’s Librarian, annotated ‘> JECH’ i.e. FAO JEC Hill, Master of Balliol. ND [February 1970]. Contact details for Thomas Photos re providing illustrations from the College History (HWC Davis ‘ 1963 revised edition) for WG Stacey (see 20 above).

GGBD 22 Copy of TLU from JEC Hill to WG Stacey, re 20 above. [Balliol College] Refers Stacey to Thomas Photos for copies of illustrations from the College History – Balliol has no photos of Graham Greene. 1s.

GGBD 23 TLS from Josephine Reid, secretary to Graham Greene, to Balliol Library. 9 Bow Street WC2E 7AL [cf same address for Bodley Head press]. 5 May 1971. Sending three volumes from the new Collected Edition of GG’s works for the College Library; checking that four sent the previous year were received. 1s.

GGBD 24 Copy of TLU from EV Quinn, Balliol’s Librarian to Josephine Reid, Graham Greene’s secretary. [Balliol College]  16 September 1971. Thanks for vols 1-4 of Graham Greene’s Collected Edition and a copy of A Sort of Life received 16 September 1971.

GGBD 25 Copy of TLU from EV Quinn to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 16 September 1971. Thanks for copy of A Sort of Life and volumes of Collected Edition via Josephine Reid.

GGBD 26 TLS from Graham Greene to JEC Hill. 130 Boul Malesherbes, Paris 17. 15 October 1971. GG looks forward to receiving JECH’s 'Antichrist book' [Antichrist in Seventeenth-Century England, 1971]; has read good reviews of it; hopes to visit Hill in the Dordogne and to meet at Balliol. 1s.

GGBD 27 Copy of TLU from JEC Hill to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 20 October 1971. Reiterates previously declined invitation to GG to speak to the College on the patronal feast (St Catherine’s Day, 25 November) and to stay in College any time. Would like to see further volumes of A Sort of Life. 1s.

GGBD 28 TLS from Graham Greene to JEC Hill. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes.  25 October 1971. Declines invitation to address the College on St Catherine’s Day; looks forward to reading Hill’s book.

GGBD 29 Copy of TLU from B Page for JEC Hill, Master of Balliol, to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 16 August 1974.  Thanks for copy of Lord Rochester’s Monkey.

GGBD 30 TLS from Graham Greene to JEC Hill. 130 Boul Malesherbes Paris 17. 15 October 1974. Thanks for, and comments on, Hill’s ‘critical letter’ reviewing Lord Rochester’s Monkey. 1s.

GGBD 31 ALS from Graham Greene to JEC Hill. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes.  23 January [1975]. Thanks for sending Hill’s new book; thoughts on C17 history; forthcoming production of The Return of AJ Raffles; hopes to visit Hill when in the UK for rehearsals.

GGBD 32 Copy of TLU from JEC Hill to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 28 January 1975. Hopes Greene will visit Oxford during Raffles rehearsals as suggested in 31 above.

GGBD 33 Copy of TLU from EV Quinn to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 8 March 1978. Thanks for copy of The Human Factor for College Library. 1s.

GGBD 34 Copy of TLU from AJP Kenny [Master of Balliol 1978-1989]. [Balliol College] 29 January 1979. Congratulations on forthcoming Honorary Degree; invitation to stay as the Master’s guest during Encaenia. 1s.

GGBD 35 ALS from Graham Greene to AJP Kenny.  La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes.  6 February 1979. GG has already accepted an invitation from Mr Bamborough for the night of 26 June but would prefer to stay at Balliol if AJPK can arrange it. 1s.

GGBD 36 Copy of TLU from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 14 February 1979. AJPK knows that Mr Bamborough was influential re GG’s honorary degree and hesitates to try to change arrangements with him, but invited GG to lunch at Balliol on the 26th instead. 1s.

GGBD 37 TLS from Graham Greene to AJP Kenny. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes.  21 March 1979. GG accepts invitation to lunch at Balliol on 26 June (re Encaenia and GG’s Honorary degree.)

GGBD 38 Copy of TLU from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. [Balliol College] 5 June 1979. Arrangements re lunch at Balliol on 26 June.

GGBD 39 1980 enquiry correspondence re early published poems by Graham Greene. Enquirer is referred to scarce published material, not held in Bodleian. 2s. CLOSED.

GGBD 40 TLS from Georgina Warrilow, Superintendent, Old Library Reading Rooms, Bodleian Library. 4 August 1980. Clarifying Bodleian’s incomplete holdings of Oxford Outlook. Re 39 above. 1s.

GGBD 41 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 26 September 1980. Requests copy of The Great Jowett radio play script, if available. 1s.

GGBD 42 TLS from Graham Greene to AJP Kenny. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 16 October 1980. Sending radio play script as requested (see 41 above); GG has never heard it performed. 1s.

GGBD 43 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 21 October 1980. Thanks for radio play script, now in College Library; suggests Balliol as eventual repository for Greene's literary manuscripts, as the college is actively developing its modern personal papers collections.

GGBD 44 TLS from Graham Greene to AJP Kenny. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 31 October 1980. Greene has arranged for deposit(sale) of his literary manuscripts in Texas [Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin]; a friend may have bequeathed letters and an unpublished novel to Balliol but if so they will not be forthcoming for some time.

GGBD 45 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 11 November 1980. AJPK recounts a day in the Texas collections reading Bertrand Russell's letters to Ottoline Morrell.

GGBD 46 TLS from Max Reinhardt to AJP Kenny. Bodley Head [publishers], 9 Bow Street WC2E 7AL. 14 October 1981. Enclosing copy of published form of The Great Jowett at Graham Greene's request. 1s.

GGBD 47 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. Thanks for copy of The Great Jowett [cf 46 above] - for AJPK's personal collection rather than College Library.

GGBD 48 TLS from Graham Greene to JH Jones. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 20 September 1982. Details of location of Graham Greene's student room in Balliol - 1st floor, where St XIX now is, next to MR Ridley. 1s.

GGBD 49 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 24 January 1984. Comments on GG's recent letter to The Tablet re poverty of Christ; parallels with work on the subject by (later Abp of Armagh) Richard FitzRalph (Balliol, C14). 1s.

GGBD 50 TLS from Graham Greene to [AJP Kenny,] Master of Balliol. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 30 January 1984. Reply to letter of 24 January [see 49 above] re poverty of Christ and Richard FitzRalph on the subject.

GGBD 51 Newspaper cutting. 'The Greene Factor' - interview with Graham Greene by Norman Lebrecht. Sunday Times Review, 1 April 1984. pp.33-35. Photographs by Snowdon [Anthony Armstrong-Jones].

GGBD 52 Newspaper cutting. 'Power and Glory of Greene at 80': comments on Greene's career by Lord Gowrie, AJ Ayer, Malcolm Muggeridge, Nicholas Lash, Keith Waterhouse. Part 1 of 2. The Times 6 September 1984. p.10. Illustrated.

GGBD 53 Newspaper cutting. 'Greene: fourscore years and then?': comments on Greene's career by the Duke of Norfolk, Angus Wilson, Sir David Hunt, Anthony Quinton, David Steel. Part 2 of 2. The Times 7 September 1984. p.10. Illustrated.

GGBD 54 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny, Master of Balliol, to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 28 September 1984. 80th Birthday greetings on behalf of Balliol College; invitation to attend St Catherine's Dinner at Balliol on 25 November 1984; Harold Macmillan will also be present; if not convenient, invitation to a smaller dinner in College at a date to be arranged. 1s.

GGBD 55 TLS from Graham Greene to AJP Kenny. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 8 October 1984. Thanks for St Catherine's Day invitation [see 54 above]; cannot accept owing to possible legal proceedings in France in November; would prefer informal College dinner, cannot provide a firm date. 1s.

GGBD 56 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny, Master of Balliol, to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 11 February 1986. Congratulations on receiving Order of Merit; invitation to celebratory lunch or dinner in College at a convenient date. 1s.

GGBD 57 ALS from Graham Greene to Master [of Balliol AJP Kenny]. La Résidence des Fleurs, Ave Pasteur, Antibes. 1 March 1986. Appreciates but declines invitation to celebratory meal in College re his OM award [see 56 above]; would prefer a quiet drink some time. Quotes Matthew Arnold's poem 'Growing Old' re thoughts on old age. 1s.

GGBD 58 Photocopy of TLS from AJP Kenny, Master of Balliol, to Graham Greene. Balliol College. 1 May 1986. Invitation to all Honorary Fellows to lunch marking election of Sir Thomas Bingham as Visitor of Balliol College on 24 May 1986. 1s.

GGBD 59 MS note on headed paper 'From the Master's Secretary, Balliol College'. Contact details for Max Reinhardt as Graham Greene's London literary agent. 1s.

GGBD 60 Photocopy of TLS from John Jones, Dean and Archivist of Balliol, to Professor Norman Sherry. Balliol College. 28 April 1989. Notes/corrections to two points in Sherry's biography of Graham Greene [vol.1, 1989]. 1s.

GGBD 61TLS from Norman Sherry to John Jones. Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. Thanks for and response to JHJ's corrections [see 60 above]. 1s.

GGBD 62 Copy of TLS from Baruch S Blumberg, Master of Balliol, to Graham Greene. Sorry to learn of GG's ill health and inability to take up invitation to Balliol for 22 June 1991. 1s.

GGBD 63 Photocopy of newspaper cutting. Obituary for Graham Greene. Daily Telegraph 4 April 1991. p.21.

GGBD 64 photocopy of fragment of newspaper cutting re Graham Greene's attitude to honours: refusal of ?OBE and acceptance of OM and CH.

GGBD 65 Copy of TLS from Oswyn Murray, Vicegerent [Acting Master] of Balliol, to Mrs Graham Greene. Balliol College. 11 April 1991. Condolences on behalf of Balliol College on death of Graham Greene; college's plans for memorial events and publications.

GGBD 66 Copy of TLS from Baruch S Blumberg, Master of Balliol, to Mrs Graham Greene. Balliol College. 19 April 1991. Adding to Oswyn Murray's letter of 11 April [see 65 above].

GGBD 67 TLS from Vivien Greene to Baruch S Blumberg. Grove House, Iffley Turn, Oxford. 27 April 1991. Re the Master's assistance with Balliol contacts and arrangements for Balliol representation at the Requiem Mass for Graham Greene at Westminster Cathedral. 1s.

GGBD 68 ALS from Baruch S Blumberg to John Jones. Balliol College. 2 May 1991. Re discussion with Graham Greene's nephew (also Graham Greene) about a future academic event or activity at Balliol in memory of Graham Greene; details of Greene's biographers Sherry and Motler [sic - Mockler]; arrangements for GG's memorial service at Westminster Cathedral. 2s.

GGBD 69 ALU notes of telephone call from Norman Sherry for John Jones, taken by ?Balliol Library Assistant. [Balliol College]. 16 May 1991. Norman Sherry would like to see, copy and discuss any of Graham Greene's papers held by the College.

GGBD 70 ALS from Baruch S Blumberg to John Jones. 28 May 1991. Suggests inviting Prof Michel Lechat to a planned literary event at Balliol in honour of Graham Greene. Enclosed, photocopy of article 'Remembering Graham Greene' by Prof Lechat. The Bulletin, 18 April 1991. pp.14-16.

GGBD 71 Copy (faded and fading) of TLS from Jane Bywaters (Arena programme, BBC) to John Jones. 17 January 1992. Request information re 1920s undergraduate periodical 'Oxford Outlook', in which Graham Greene published some early work. 1s.

GGBD 72 January - February 1992. Copies of correspondence between John Jones (Balliol College) and Jane Bywaters (BBC, Arena) re provision of photographic negatives and a copy of JHJ's published history of Balliol College, for research for Arena programme about Graham Greene. 11s.

GGBD 73 APC from Bryan to 'the Dean' [John Jones], Balliol College. Postmark London. 26 September 1994.

GGBD 74 Newspaper cutting. 'Graham Greene's archives and books are bought by US library' by Dalya Alberge, re sale by Greene's family via Nicholas Dennys, of Greene's own papers and library to Boston College Library. With photograph by Michael Powell. [1994].

GGBD 75 Newspaper cutting. 'Secret life of Graham Greene' by Christopher Hawtree, re pending sale of Catherine Walston's letters; comments on Mockler, Sherry and Shelden biographies of Greene. The Times 2 July [1994].

GGBD 76 Newspaper cutting. 'The story of G - a secret life of a man of letters' by Philip Howard. 'Tribute to Graham Greene,' spoof on Greene's style.

GGBD 77 Newspaper cutting. 'In the potting shed' by Christopher Hawtree. Review of biography Graham Greene: the man within by Michael Shelden. The Times 1 August 1994.

GGBD 78 Magazine cutting. 'A sort of wife' by Bevis Hillier. Interview with Vivien Greene about her relationship with Graham Greene. The Times Magazine 20 January 1996. Pp.8-13. Illustrated.

GGBD 79 enquiry correspondence re Graham Greene records at Balliol, January 1997. Enquirer is referred to other material listed in this dossier. CLOSED.

GGBD 80 TLS from Roger Watkins, Acting Secretary of the Graham Greene Birthplace Trust, to Dr [now Prof] Roger Lonsdale, Fellow of Balliol College. One Manor Close, Berkhamsted. 29 August 1997. Invitation to launch of Graham Greene Birthplace Trust, 2 October 1997. With MS note from Dr Lonsdale, passing the announcement on to John Jones. 1s.

GGBD 81 Print of email correspondence between John Jones of Balliol College and David Broadhurst of the Open University. March 1997. Re a letter from Graham Greene to Broadhurst, then intended for ?but not received by the College Library.

GGBD 82 Printed advertising card for BBC Arena programme 'The Graham Greene Trilogy', broadcast 8, 9 and 10 January [1993]. With compliments slip from Jane Bywaters (see 71-72 above).

GGBD 83 Photocopy of TLS from Norman Sherry to John Jones. Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas. 3 December 1997. Requests documentation of Graham Greene's Honorary Fellowship of Balliol College (1963) for the forthcoming third volume of his authorised biography of Greene. With photocopies of relevant documents contained in this dossier, as sent to Sherry.

GGBD 84 TLS from William Cash to John Jones. 12 Beaufort East, Bath. 5 July 1999. Requests access to any college records re Graham Greene, for his 'literary biography' of Greene [The Third Woman:The Secret Passion That Inspired The End Of The Affair, Little, Brown, February 2000]. 1s.

GGBD 85-87 Correspondence between Andrew Ledgard, Assistant Archivist for News International, and John Jones. March 2001. Exchange of information from Balliol College and The Times archives re Graham Greene (see 10-11 above).

GGBD 88 Graham Greene Festival programme and ticket order form. September 2001.

GGBD 89 Research application to consult Graham Greene dossier in Balliol College Archives. 2001. CLOSED.

GGBD 90 Enquiry correspondence re Graham Greene records at Balliol, November 2001. Enquirer is referred to other material listed in this dossier. CLOSED.

GGBD 91 Correspondence from Ken Sherwood, Secretary to the Graham Greene Birthplace Trust, to the Master of Balliol College. October-November 2002. Re possibility of Balliol's hosting an exhibition or other event to mark the centenary of Graham Greene's birth, in 2004.

GGBD 92 Graham Greene Festival programme and ticket order form. September 2003.

GGBD 93 Bookseller's catalogue: Waterfield's (High Street, Oxford). 'Vivien and Graham Greene Centenary Catalogue.' December 2004.

GGBD 94 Bookseller's catalogue: Waterfield's (High Street, Oxford). 'Vivien & Graham Greene, Stand 84, June 2005.' List of books for sale from Vivien Greene's library, most by or relating to Graham Greene.

GGBD 95 A4 poster: 'Balliol College, Graham Greene Celebration, Thursday 12 March [no year]. Lecture by Professor Norman Sherry (Graham Greene's Official Biographer): "In Search of Graham Greene. College Hall Balliol at 5pm. All Welcome.'

GGBD 96 VHS tape, copy of Arena programme 'Graham Greene Trilogy' broadcast on BBC2 8-10 January 1993.

GGBD 97 B/W photographic print of (copy of) studio photograph of Graham Greene; composition is the same as the Lafayette Ltd. portrait of 1927 (see image via National Portrait Gallery) but the lighting/exposure is different.

- Graham Greene dossier contents: listed by Anna Sander May 2015

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